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Sculptra Aesthetic is a unique injectable product termed as a collagen stimulator; simply meaning, this product replenishes lost volume by stimulating growth of the body’s own natural collagen. This newly formed collagen increases the overall facial volume by restoring the natural structure to the skin.

Who is a good candidate for Sculptra?


Natural collagen production in the skin significantly decreases in our mid 20s leading to noticeable changes in the skin’s elasticity, firmness and volume.  By restoring the natural collagen, Sculptra will visibly improve fine lines, wrinkles and deep folds but more importantly, it will treat the underlying causes of facial aging. Almost anyone who feels they are looking tired or hollow and desires to treat or even slow down theses signs of facial aging would benefit from Sculptra.




What can I expect from Sculptra?

Depending on the area and condition treated, the volume of Sculptra used and the injection technique, the results of Sculptra may last up to 2 years or more.  For optimal correction, most areas of treatment will require 2 to 4 sessions, usually at 3 to 6 week intervals. After each injection session, tissue volume in the treated area will gradually increase over the following weeks and months, as the skin produces new collagen. Slowly you can expect a firmer, more youthful skin surface.



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To schedule an appointment, online consultation, or learn more about Sculptra, please Contact Us or call us at (469) 899-8758.

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